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Doug Reside, PhD, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Global Theatre History

We are very pleased to announce that Doug Reside, PhD, curator of the Billy Rose Collection at the Library of the Performing Arts, New York, will join the Centre for Global Theatre History, LMU Munich, as a visiting fellow in January 2018.

In close collaboration with the Centre’s Academy of Digital Humanities in Theatre Research, he will give a talk, teach a seminar for students of theatre studies, DH, media culture and dramaturgy of the LMU Munich and the Theatre Academy August Everding, and will be holding workshops for the research team of the ERC project Developing Theatre.

His talk How do you Catch A Cloud and Pin it Down: Preserving Digital Creativity on Wednesday, 17 January, 12-1:30pm, is open to the public and will be taking place at the Institute for Theatre Studies, Georgenstrasse 11, 80799 Munich, room #109.

Short biography Doug Reside

Philanthropy, Development and the Arts – Check Out Our Conference Website

The first conference of our ERC project Developing Theatre will be focusing on “Philanthropy, Development and the Arts: Histories and Theories” and is taking place from 23-25 July, 2018, at Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation in Munich.

20 speakers from 13 different countries were selected for interdisciplinarily interrogating the interrelationship between philanthropic foundations and NGOs, the notion of “development”, and the visual and performing arts throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

We set up a website/blog for the conference. All updates and info can be retrieved there.

Conference attendance is free of charge, yet registration is required.

For further info please contact the organizers,

PD Dr. Nic Leonhardt ( & Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme (