The Centre for Global Theatre comes up with a new format: in June, we launch our audio podcast: Theatrescapes !
Theatrescapes takes up those topics that have engaged the Centre’s researchers and its international network since its beginning: Stories and case studies about theatre in a global context, mainly from a historical perspective, but also reaching into the present. The podcast is dedicated to conversations and book reviews about the global or transnational histories of the performing arts, of drama, dance, opera, circus, etc., from the early modern period to the 21stcentury. Guests and interview partners include scholars and artists, theatre and cultural practitioners from around the world. At Theatrescapes, the world is at the microphones for the world.
The variety of topics at Theatrescapes is unique and requires curation. The podcast is therefore structured in series of 3-5 episodes each, dedicated to areas of focus.
A short intro episode in early June will be followed by the first series, Theatre (Research) in Times of Covid, that explores how the global pandemic situation has impacted theatre practice and research. In conversation with theatre scholar Nic Leonhardt, host of the Theatrescapes podcast, theatre practitioners and arts supporters, researchers and faculty members from South America, Asia and Europe describe challenges and opportunities of that special time period that is making history.
We welcome listeners from around the world!
If you have suggestions for topics and conversation partners, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Special thanks go to our colleague Aydin Alinejadsomeh who conjures everything around the technology.
We would also like to thank the Legon Palwine Band from Accra, Ghana, for letting us use their great music for the podcast!
Theatrescapes is available here, on iTunes, Google Podcast and Spotify.
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